Flowers at Bear Harbor from the journals of Thomas Merton Besides wild irises three or four feet high, calla lilies grow wild among the ferns on the stream bank. * A profusion of roses and flowering shrubs I cannot name. * Calm ocean, blue through the trees. * Wild foxgloves by the stream just where it sings loudest. * Eight crows wheel in the sky.
This poem was sculpted from language pulled from Thomas Merton’s Woods, Shore, Desert, in particular the entries composed during his stay at Redwoods Abbey on the coast of Humboldt County, California.
Que bonito
Lovely, haunting, lingering in the breeze. I'm winding my way through Merton's "The Seven Storey Mountain," catching wisps of it after I put my kids to bed. This feels like it. I can see Merton ambling through a flowered hillside in this poem. Well done. And thank you.