Happy birthday, Joseph. The combing fingers in today's offering... an exceptional image!!!

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Many birthday 🎂 joys & blessings, Joseph! Although it is your special day, thank you for gifting us with poetry that helps us become more attuned to the ephemeral yet redemptive beauty that inhabits our ordinary days.

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Happy Birthday, Joseph! Thank you for your inspiring poems.

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Happy birthday, Joseph. And congratulations on your upcoming book/memoir (which is not a memoir, but yet is).

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Congratulations, Joseph.

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My birthday is tomorrow though I’m in advance of you by just under 11 years.

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Happy birthday! You're the one giving us gifts:)

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Happy birthday to a fellow Virgo and poet!

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Beautiful Poetry, Joesph - Happy Birthday to the Poet💖

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Happy Birthday! The haikus are lovely.

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Happy birthday. You're right. Substack is a gift for all creatives. Full control to post whatever we want to share with the world. What's more, it's a delight to read the comments of those who were moved enough to do so.

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